
What if? We never really know until we just know.

What if? We never really know until we just know.

What if...?!

What if you read this article? If you don't? What then?


They’re everywhere. We have doubts of future, survival, success, dreams, ourselves, of our fellow people and our loved ones. Even when we’re so certain we know how things are, one day we find ourselves thinking: What if I’m wrong? What if I’ve told lies to myself and been wanting to believe something that isn’t quite what it seems. Presumptions whether I’m still not good enough, if they are not good enough, if she/he isn’t good enough.

What if...

What if

What a wonderful word.

It has so much potential and so much misguidance. When used to doubt already good things, this word stops us, pushes us back and in worst case scenario misguide us from the path we so far so happily walked on. We get used to things going well and us feeling good, when there’s enough of it. One day we wake up noticing we don’t feel that awesome and splendid, and we start to question and doubt, are things really good.

These doubts come to make us worry, revalue and find something to make us feel great. Questioning makes us try to find, rationalize, what might be wrong as I’m not feeling that great.

What if everything is still great, but we’re used to try find something or someone to blame, because actually we forgot to enjoy and be grateful of things what we already have?

Could it be things aren’t that bad as it seems? If things around us and in our minds are seemingly bad just because of our fears and and earlier experiences?

What if we fail again, because we failed before? If we're not good enough because we've got that experience so many times earlier? Assuming because we're still searching, we're not going to find?


what if

What if things are actually great?

What if every time we feel bad means we're letting some burden go away and our lives gets easier every day? Perhaps these feelings of doubt just mean, that we’re on a door of great life, and it’s so exciting and new it’s scares me a bit.

Supposing we can? What if everything will just go amazingly? If all things we worry are just echos of a past which from we’ve learnt a great deal and we’re actually going to triumph this time!?

What if we made a decision to alter our way of thinking for positive?

What if we decided to instead of fearing future to start believing it? If we every now and then would thank ourselves, appreciate ourselves and value things around us? If our life would turn to be just amazing!?

From the experience latter point of view is way more enjoyable than anterior. Yes, there might still be doubts, but they’re nothing to worry about as long as you remember you have decided to start feeling well and think positively.

Interestingly, the universe will notice that and will help you on your positive and grateful path.

Start thinking you feel better. Visualize yourself feeling awesome. Even the smallest possible switch to better direction can eventually generate a majestic change, and miracles start to happen.

Then you will know.

Open this page, scroll a bit down to video and remind yourself you're the key-keeper of your life.

You should see it also in Finnish Serenity's Instagram -feed.

You, if anyone, deserve to think and feel better.

Posted by FinnishSerenity in Life