Finnish Serenity

for YOUR inner peace,

mental and physical strength,

and happy and successful life.

Finnish Serenity

Welcome to Finnish Serenity

You just took (perhaps once again, congratulations!) one step closer to achieve stronger, more prosperous and more peaceful mind. Therefore, it means you're already on your way to building up the life you're meant to live. Finnish Serenity is all about caring for your well-being. Especially, when it comes to your performance of mind, blissful emotions and mindful actions. In conclusion, the overall fulfillment of mind, body, and your whole life.

Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again excepting different results. -Albert Einstein

By owning your own choices, you can amend your future, and start walking your own brilliant path.

Could you start giving yourself what you really deserve - already today?

Personal life/mind coach

One-to-one mentoring just for you

Serenity and calmness

FREE gifts for You 

Finnish Serenity's dedicated to assist You

You're warmly welcomed to learn to understand yourself better. Learn tools to grow, reach your full potential, and start achieving your dreams. As an additional bonus, you can feel absolutely amazing about it.

More money?
Perfect relationship?
New job?
Better physical and mental happiness?
Everything your mind allows you to have, you will have. 

Finnish Serenity's goal is to help you break your limiting beliefs, discover the positive emotions inside you, and help you rewire your brain, so you can get what your heart desires.

The moment you take the first step of self-development, you're much further away from everyone else who are still sticking in the loop of hesitation. Starting your journey towards better thoughts, emotions and actions - that is the best lifetime gift you can give to yourself.

There's no better day to take grateful steps for your better life and future but today, is there.

I'd be gladly helping you there, if you allow that for yourself.


Enjoy your stay, explore the site, and let the positive serenity flow.


Serenity for every aspect of life


Mindset and perception

As you might already know, your mind shapes your life.

Recall when you have viewed your daily goals positively, deeply trusting yourself. Then you have pretty sure nine times out of ten succeeded with your endeavors.

In the opposite, you might remember days when your self-confidence has been low. Consequently, your expectations of outcomes have been more or less negative. Eventually, all experiences during that mindset have turned out bad.

So often we perceive some experiences good, and some experiences bad. Instead, they are training grounds for learning and growing. We easily let us slide deeper into the dark hole rather than hover above the circumstances.

Furthermore, the way we feel and think affects to our actions and advancing in life. How we view things and events happening around us.

Explore the site content to find out why this happens. Additionally, you will be informed how that can be adjusted. As when we find and break our limitations, and reveal and enhance our inner potential, miracles start to happen.

In conclusion, your whole experience and outcomes of your life can be improved enormously. That is, if you want to, and start taking action.

Let me show you.


Serenity for every aspect of life


The challenge of finding "the answer"

People seek efficient and quick results which last and benefit yourself the rest of your life. There are lots of magical promises around Internet and social media from helpers, healers and coaches covering all kinds of areas with heavenly promises how you can change your life just like that.

You may have even tried some of them (I have too!). During that journey the experience is great, you feel great, everything makes sense, and you feel amazing about yourself and your future. Then time goes by, and you start to wonder why your life seems the same like before. You were made a promise of better life, and you actually felt like it's going to happen now. But things didn't happen what you expected. 

What probably happened was lack of accountability, lack of personal support, and lack of practical and efficient methods of building new better neural pathways for you to harness your new way of living. Maybe it felt amazing for a while, but when you were on an edge of leaping and achieving results, perhaps negative emotions and thoughts appeared to pull you down. Maybe you didn't feel like to put effort one day, and the second day seemed gray too. So you thought you'll wait until you feel like it to go on.

We people are amazing at making excuses, focusing on what's wrong and what's missing, and at not just getting up and doing things best for us. Even if we'd take a course or class every now and then, we have this habit and tendency of not keep going when things seem little uncomfortable.

And after a while we wonder: why things won't change for my benefit?!

What should I do?

Do you want that change? Do you want to peek out from your comfort zone and see, what is out there for you? And especially what is in you for you?

That's possible, if you have the will to make the decision. You are the only one in your life who can change your life. Finnish Serenity will help you there, if you will.