He is a man from Finland, who values balance, harmony, personal freedom and serenity over everything. He's had and lost it many times. He has wandered on his path between both ends: light and darkness, back and forth, back and forth.

But it wasn't aimless wandering, not at all. Every cycle he finished - just to start one again - gave him new knowledge and mental resources he reserved and tamed for the good cause: to travel a little bit longer or a little bit deeper before changing the direction.

Darker side of the path has taught him a lot about the challenging side of the humanity: flaws of the mind, the temptation of keeping things like they are, fear of change, difficulties to adjust one's life by letting bad things go and accepting new better things in, and about the wide variety of obstacles blocking to get those nice things in life what we relentlessly yearn to get - day after day, but so often without success.

The vast range of challenges a person might encounter throughout her or his life is familiar to him. He has observed, listened and cared most of his lifetime, both others and himself. And he has learnt enormously.

Lighter side of the path has taught him a lot about the unlimited potential and beautiful, grateful side of the humanity: Joy, success, love, kindness, serenity and justifiable trust for the better tomorrow. How the world can be so beautiful, people so lovable and living so enjoyable.

He has seen how so different the life can be just by finding the correct ways to use your mind, emotions and actions. Things one would normally perceive as challenges look like interesting opportunities. Thoughts and feelings that would normally slow you down, are actually something you can change for better.

Light is understandably the nicer side of the path. Nevertheless the teaching of yin and yang is really important to remember. Everything gravitates to balance in a way or another.

Light will always cast a small shadow somewhere; the important question is, how does one react to it. Too much control in some area of life results to uncontrolled behavior in another area of life.

Therefore even though his goal and mission is to achieve great and happy life, he mercifully and forgivingly allows himself to be humane. 

It is humane to experience and think negatively-associated things every now and then. Especially in the beginning of a really committed and insightful self-development it's inevitable. The process of reaching high includes the process of facing the burden which has kept you low.

He has done it a lot, and he still does it whenever something rises up inside him to seek for his caring attention. The difference compared to many, who haven't yet found the best mental tools for them, is: he does it in a stage of serenity; he only gives it the time that is actually needed for it; he thanks for it; he learns from it; he lets go of it; and he continues to enjoy the pleasureful life and pursue his goals again.

Amazing thing is, there's no need to succumb into the dark and painful side, whatever happens.

One can build a solid base inside her or him, which is the safe surface where you drop on if something, that would normally drop you, happens. Once learning and understanding truly, how to use one's own mind and body to arise into positive mindset and emotions whenever it's needed, he's been only looking forward and upwards.

Now he is willing to teach, how you too can learn these successful ways of mind, so you can be happier, more successful and more at sensuous peace.

Let's meet him!


My name is Mikko.

First and most importantly: I'm so happy to see you here!

Hopefully your day has been amazing so far.

I have a feeling it will continue to be positively surprising!

This site has been public from 26.8.2021, so it's a pretty new one. 

I hope you're finding yourself thrilled and excited of the content and atmosphere here.

I'd appreciate a lot if you'd send me a message and would let me know what do you think of Finnish Serenity so far! Or just drop a message to say hi, and let me hear how you are doing!

My aim is to help you in your life to achieve what you desire, and also help you to shake off all the burden that might be pushing you down. I'd be grateful and thrilled to have a you either having a course or becoming a client of mine, and have the possibility to witness and share your growth to becoming better version of yourself.

I'm so glad to have you here and I wish you all the best for your journey of life :)!

Life coach

So, back to me for a bit. What exactly has brought me here telling about myself for you at this very moment?

It seemed throughout my life I'm somewhat more curious and analytical about life and mind than people I knew - which could be perfectly enough of an explanation why I am where I am today. But I'll open it up a bit more. You wouldn't be reading this with interest if you wouldn't want to know more, right?

Already before elementary school I had a tendency to watch from further away, what and how other kids outside would play. When I had seen enough, I would pick the seemingly nicest kid and make a friend. Ever since I've preferred few quality friends than lots of acquaintances, because the more intimate the relationship is, the more it gives for both in deeper level.

When I was approximately 14 or 15 years old I wanted so eagerly to understand the world through philosophical point of view: why there is what there is; why this thing is like it is and could some other form be better; what if things were more or less differently, how would it affect to everything? Eventually before I had had even one philosophy class at school I came to a same conclusion by my own as the famous philosopher Sokrates: you're wise when you know you don't know.

So, I knew I can't really absolutely know about everything. That's probably why I narrowed my life-investigator-lenses to cover especially people. Why some of them are what they are; what makes them do things they do; why some people seem so happy and some so sad, and most importantly what are the best ways to live and be happy?

I observed and learnt via trial and error. After some time passed I started to notice I'm treating others quite well and if they needed attention or care I willingly provided that. But for my surprise I didn't feel I got the same treatment back at the same level. That felt unjust, and for a long time I pondered whether I am giving too much or expecting too much, or both. Through the eyes of others I apparently cared and helped somewhat too much, as my close friend once said to me: "You are like these people's Red Cross. You have to take care of yourself too."  

Back at that time I felt better while being there for them. I didn't need so much special attention towards myself back then, as my life was in a good balance for getting enough my own valuable time and enough time with other people. It was rewarding to see worries vanish and getting that smile back to their faces. Eventually I understood that's who I am. I want to give, I want to help, I want to listen to you and give you means to feel better and go forward.

The statement my friend gave me started to become more relevant later in my life. I gave more than I received and I accidentally emptied myself. For some reason I ended up to spend my life with many people, who had some kind of mental disorder like depression. I tried to help, be positive and supportive, but as you might guess, with people whose mind is  that way, it's easy to give too much without mentally fulfilling rewards, and eventually lose yourself. My focus was outside, on other people, and I was in a loop of giving and neglecting myself. That was difficult, but it was also really valuable time to learn.

Long story short, eventually I was in a spot where I had to turn my eyes completely inwards. I started to really listen to myself, and genuinely give me what I desired. It wasn't easy at first, as I've always been kind of an over-thinker. Even if I occasionally had great and wise thoughts, soon there would come many new thoughts taking my attention away from the best path. The most important thing is I never gave up on searching and trying. By patient exploration and training I managed to find the right mindset for listening to myself the right way, and after that to practice correct methods which I needed during different moments.

And guess what? I started to feel so much better. And by starting to love myself my thoughts got better. And as my thoughts and emotions were improving, I started acting and doing the way that was and is beneficial for me. My life started to develop with me for the best.

The methods I use myself - and will teach for you - form an efficient combo, a package, a mix, of for example following matters:

  • NLP
  • Hypnosis
  • Life Coaching
  • Law of attraction
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Teachings of big names in the field like Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza and so many others
  • Different world philosophies/ways to see the world
  • And so much more related to mind and well-being

For the people who value degrees and certificates, I have or I am studying at the moment the following certificates: NLP, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Life coach (few courses), Modern applied psychology, Cognitive behavioural therapy and Neuroplasticity. 

And little off the theme: Specialist Qualification in Security Supervision and Bachelor of Business Administration.

My learning never ends. There's not a day without reflecting on what I already know and adding new information and experience into them. I aim to absorb the best teachings of the best, and include them into my teachings so you can hear them all from one source and save your time.

Today I know how important it is to take care of your own well-being first. Altruism is a great thing, but it's impossible to execute it, if you're forgetting yourself. You have to feel great first to help others feel great. What you are is what you give.

That's my main goal now: To teach you how to make the best of yourself, but still remain humble and kind. I want you to learn the methods and the techniques to feel awesome about yourself too!

You deserve it, you really do.


Feel welcomed to also start a conversation via Facebook and Instagram!