Articles of life
Articles of Life: Pondering different aspects of life by author of Finnish Serenity: Mikko Nuolivirta.
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Meeting new people - with a past as a judge
Meeting new people can be inspiring or scary. It can feel like a great opportunity or a terrifying sanction. Why we experience it so differently is because of our beliefs, presuppositions, and experiences.
5 steps to prevent being anxious
That heavy, sometimes suffocating emotion we tend to feel in our chest, stomach, head, wherever. Even though emotions are universal and we can easily relate when someone describes feeling frustration or anxiousness, the way we feel them is unique.
What if? We never really know until we just know.
What if you read this article? What if you don't? What then?
Should I divorce?
Marriage is fundamentally a promise of never-ending commitment to another person. But what if, as life goes on, you find yourself thinking: should I divorce?
It's a huge change in every day life, and it definitely deserves lots of time to ponder through.
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